Asia Pacific investments still good value in a changed world: Colliers International
Colliers International has released a new report highlighting why there is still good value in Asia Pacific real estate by comparing property yields with yields on government bonds and equities.
Continued demand and the new normal in the Thai residential market - CBRE
CBRE Managing Director Aliwassa Pathnadabutr and Director of Advisory & Transaction Services - Residential Sales Artitaya Kasemlawanshaping discuss the factors shaping the new normal in the Thai residential market as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.
CBRE Korea signs Memorandum of Understanding with design and engineering firm
CBRE Korea has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) regarding real estate building development project cooperation with DONG IL Architects & Engineers.
Hongo central to driving innovation and technology in Tokyo - JLL
The Tokyo district of Hongo is becoming increasingly associated with technology and innovation due to its established start-up culture, according to JLL Research Analyst Asako Nakamura.