Leading diversified professional services and investment management company Colliers (NASDAQ and TSX: CIGI) is proud to announce its Valuation & Advisory Services department has been named winner in the Valuation Team of the Year category at the RICS Awards Hong Kong 2022.
The Valuation Team of the Year award recognises teams involved in valuation services which uphold international standards and give confidence to end-users for their objectivity, independence, and reliability on both commercial and/or residential projects.
Commenting on why Colliers won, a RICS’ statement said: “The Colliers’ team developed significantly in 2021, covering large portfolio clients across APAC and helping developers, governments, and occupiers while specialising in niche sectors as a best-practice professional partner. We highly recommend Colliers as Valuation Team of the Year given their young, positive influence on society, ability to nurture young professionals, and leadership as professionals in the industry, including being a RICS registered company.”
CK Lau, Managing Director | Hong Kong and Managing Director, Valuation & Advisory Services | Asia, said: “It is a great honor to win this award. As the Managing Director of the Hong Kong and Asia Valuation business, this win recognises our hard work on two fronts. It also affirms our strategy, and it gives me great pleasure to congratulate my senior leadership team of Hannah Jeong and Dorothy Chow for all their success.”
“Our Valuation business is one of the strongest departments, and we have delivered sustainable growth annually, with us having just short of 100 people in Hong Kong that valued over HKD10.5 billion worth of assets in 2021,” added Lau.
Hannah Jeong, Head of Valuation & Advisory Services | Hong Kong, said: “This is the first time we have won this award, having benn commended last year. To show progression by going one step further and winning deserves recognition for my team’s efforts, and it is only because of their hard work we have been able to push Hong Kong’s property valuation industry to a higher standard of service.”
“We constantly strive to evolve and provide innovative services to meet the needs of the real estate market. This year we expanded our capabilities by adding a specialist ESG Advisory team, and it is initiatives like this that enable us to lead our industry into the future.”
Dorothy Chow, Executive Director, Valuation & Advisory Services | Asia, concluded: “RICS is a globally recognised professional body and to get an endorsement from them is one of the highest achievements in our industry. We constantly encourage our people to do their best work by following the guiding principles of RICS, which our diverse team of experts embrace.”
“I was thrilled to see our team acknowledged for nurturing young and emerging talent. This is a core part of our strategy, with the team’s demographic comprising senior industry leaders that guide and mentor the brightest young talent the industry has to offer.”
RICS is committed to effecting positive change in the built and natural environments. Through their respected global standards, leading professional progression and their trusted data and insight, they promote and enforce the highest professional standards in the development and management of land, real estate, construction, and infrastructure.
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